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Thanks, Larry. I'll try to check it out soon. Sounds good. I mean Solution Seeking does. Etc.

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You're welcome Len. And thanks for all you are doing.

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On a personal note...which is the note I must compose from in order to be honest...this one performance got me through the darkest of days....these songs...say...so ...much....and as we so often find, they came before they could be fully understood....such is the muse....this is the river which floats my boat...an inspired performance, to say the least...Larry...the power of music....took down the walls of jericho....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8e9sy02AS0

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It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule,

And a fool to mind it.

Do not be a stupid.

Do not be a fool.

Don't make no mess,

Won't be no mess.


Is a bitch.

It all boils down to personal responsibility for one's actions and deeds.

Those who are too immature/unevolved need be removed from positions of power.

They do not know how to use power appropriately.

They do more harm than good.

They are like drunken four year olds.

Only worse.

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Mar 10, 2023
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It would be nice if Covid Conspiracy opponents could self-organize, but that only seems to work for a few privileged people. Should I find and add details on how to organize?

FT, are you working on the points you brought up? I'll think about those.

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Mar 15, 2023
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What do you think about starting or joining a local group near you? Would you like to mention your location in case there are others on Substack near you? Are there any ideas you'd like to share here?

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