Geoff apparently came down with Covid TurboCancer, but is perhaps miraculously healing and continuing his pursuit of prosecution of the Covid Conspirators. He got Covid shots in early 2021. He says as follows.
“I had the double modeRNA {Covid} shot early-mid 2021. In between shots, lots of supernatural occurrences came, warning me, also launching my pro bono advocacy calling. The second ModeRNA shot put me under, yet I admittedly used marijuana and I bounced right back to normal in seconds. It was one of the weirdest moments. I want to note around the same time, our gov't was legalizing / creating {probably synthetic Cannabis THC} Delta 8 & 10 in my state {NC}. I tried it some and found it tasted metallic, which some others warned about. I have no idea if there is/was nanotech in the gov't product, yet they don't get any benefit of the doubt with patents US7776521B1 & US7220852B1. It was interesting the {Covid} delta variant was also happening when these delta {THC} products came out.”
I’ll add this to my Covid book at (section 5c). James Sloane said the initial cancer tissue suppresses other cancer sites in the body and if that initial cancer is removed, it stops suppressing the other sites, so they tend to start growing. So it’s advisable to use ozone therapy and/or herbs like chaparral to kill all of the cancer and the cancer viruses. My free online book, Ailments and Natural Remedies has a lot of Sloane’s cancer info and much more.
Geoff gave me some info on Ivermectin, which he used on his cancer & Covid, I think. He wanted it added near the end of this post, but I decided to make a new post for it at IVERMECTIN FOR COVID ETC where I included additional info.
With over 2 decades reporting on maladies, my team leverages an unprecedented network of international lawyers, doctors and survivors to investigate cancer’s nefarious economics. Previously known for uncovering the liable parties with Anxiety, Depression, Dementia and C¤vid, finalizing cancer’s {SEE ¢-answer} exposé hit even closer to home. The journey seemingly had to cross a narrative entering both Daniel's Fire and Lion's Den in one. To GOØD the glory, faithfully serving people over profits.
To understand what gets approved vs censored in osteopathic or allopathic medicine, look no further than the Flexner Report¹ and the 1939 Cancer Act² to forensically follow the money. With C¤vid, a marketing term for Corona virus biowarfare, my team successfully employed the legal practice … of intellectual property (iP) patent law to catch the 100% profit robber barons³ in the act! There's only a set number of ways to be evil, so with cancer, we simply highlight similarities in schemes.
If limited to one word when defining cancer, we can go with "parasite" as that was my question and resulting answer at our creator. {{He asked G-d and that’s the inspired answer he received.}} More than just the double entendre, parasitic money leeches, the malicious multiplying cell growth is apparent. Asexual reproduction by cell duplication is a main way parasites spread and expand. When G-d provided me the 1-word answer, everything clicked, because I was in the hospital with stage-4 metastatic lung cancer, which spread up the spine to my brain. I was diagnosed with Leptomeningeal Disease, which had never been cured and came with a 2 to 6 week life expectancy, if left untreated. If treated incorrectly, that 2-6 weeks becomes active again, whereupon I was severely attacked many times by hospital protocols.
Three huge similarities emerged between C¤vid and Cancer, the biggest hospital money-makers in the past 100 years. First, there emerged 1 single protocol; second, the same liable familial party was present; and finally, an entire classification of a drug group was being completely censorÊd. C¤vid showcased what I term as 1 final solution, featuring intubation and only REMdesivir, created at UNC's Baric Labs³. REMdesivir was coming off a 53% death rate about 5 years prior to 2020's lockdown for Ebola trials, another respiratory pathogen. Was it our best answer, or was political science overtaking hard science? {{Best answer for part of the final solution.}}
Secondly, the same familial robber barons, caught through intellectual property patents³, had their hands firmly cemented in the incriminating cookie jar. The Federal Reserve is neither federal government, nor has backup reserves. They are private elite families that have been preserving and growing their own wealth by loaning to national and international banks for centuries via fiat currency. Consequently, they operate in shady practices even by their deceptive name alone. The true names are synonymous with the banking families and Industrial Revolution monopoly robber barons¹ like Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s, Vanderbilt’s, Carnegie’s and others.
While I was in the hospital fighting for my life, I honed in on the best 3-prong approach (spiritual, naturopathy & osteopathy) to be the first Leptomeningeal survivor. Spiritually, I followed a biblical blueprint and was blessed to have clergy and G-d-fearing people visit me daily. Holistically, I partially emulated my survivor friends' success with Dr. Max Gerson's naturopathic diet of carrot juicing and then coffee enemas after release. Next, the osteopathic step was where my rubber met the road with blatant screeching brakes. I had been reading about Ivermectin's scientific success with cancer tumors, following the C¤vid debacle, where it and Hydroxychloroquine were thrown to the wolves as “disinformation”. {See}
After surveying many people, including several white-collar professionals, over 90% thought misinformation and disinformation were synonymous. They were wrong, as intent is 90% of the law, an old adage. Misinformation has the prefix 'mis' which could imply a mistake from the telephone-like game of repeating statements that get like corrupted data. Disinformation has malice to intentionally lead someone astray for ones' own propogaNDA/AgeNDA. Beginning in the early 1900s we saw attacks on 2 items that are not patent-eligible, because G-d grows them in the form of cannabis and mushrooms. The former was attacked by disinformation like the movie, Reefer Madness, while the latter got the psychotic treatment. Both received legal sanctions, ramifications and attacks to favor the robber barons' petroleum-laced medical monopolies.¹ During my hospital stay, I was witnessing an entire grouping of legal drugs get censored out.
When I was formally denied 2015 Nobel prize winning Ivermectin⁴ with lousy excuses despite top clinical research, I asked for an alternative, Hydroxychloroquine. I was denied my secondary request with the excuse that I don't have a parasite. I did according to G-d's definition, whereupon the words incurable, terminal and hospice don't exist. Hospitals treat and G-d cures, which is a huge distinction. In modern medicine, not to be confused with ModeRNA medicine, there are families or classifications of drugs. For example, antibiotics, antihistamines, antifungals, antimicrobials, and the aforementioned antiparasitics. C¤vid opened up my eyes to the bureaucratic ridiculousness happening in our world. ModeRNA, which never had a product hit the market before its jab, somehow won the bid to inject millions. As a consumer of ModeRNA, since my wife had horrible pre-existing heart issues, I researched their patent heavily.
Final conclusion, ModeRNA has a triple helix formation buried in its main patent #10266485 B2 (page 113 attachÊd. {{below}}) Only G-d owns our DNA and he gives us the perfect double helix, whereupon we get half the chromosomes from each of our parents. Consequently, this global criminal attack is satanic and a primary reason I and others likely developed rapid or turbo-cancer as the mRNA technology crosses the blood brain barrier. Moderna CEO Steven Bancel and the Federal Reserve will be dealt with and restitution is on its way. The sperm harms from radiation and chemo are copycat crimes for attacking males during Moses’ and Jesus' times. The GOØD news from åbove is you don't pull one over on the big guy, whose name isn't Biden. The 'm' messenger in mRNA is messianic!
Love, Peace & Blessings,
Geoff Wexler
Deuteronomy 1:11 & Daniel 12:3
Geoff’s Video Appearances - Organized From Most Recent
6) Int'l Atty Todd Callender interviews me:
5) WORLD Patent Inventions SequencEd:
4) Trail of Tiers - US Patent Trade Office:
3) Dr David Martin, Dr Richard Fleming Esq & I - - David@33 min, Richard@1hr 35, Me@3hr 15
2) Host Appearances on WeaponizedNews + Earlier episodes
1) Hunter Biden vs Head-Hunter Wexler